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Q: What literary element is a stick behind a stubborn mule?
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There is a car behind 1 of 3 doors and a goat behind each of the other 2 you point to one and open another that is a goat. do you stick with the door you have or change to win the car?

you stick

What are two rules greasers have for themselves?

stick close together dont leave one behind

How do Native Americans use prayer sticks?

A Prayer Stick or Spirit Stick or Medicine Stick is mostly used by the Shaman or Medicine Man, but can also be used by tribal members. The sticks are used to make offerings and to petition the spirit world and varies depending on the ceremony or ritual they are a part of.As part of the ritual, the stick is created. Signs and symbols are inscribed on the stick or attached to the stick to represent the prayer or message. To release the prayers, the sticks are placed in a way that invokes the power of the elements. A prayer stick being stood up in the ground invokes the element of air. A prayer stick given to a river invokes water, burnt invokes fire, and being buried invokes earth. They use which ever element they feel is most appropriate for their prayers.

How can you lateral in Madden NFL 11?

Yes, you can. PS3: You hold L2 and move the right analog stick in the direction you want to lateral it to. 360: You hold LT and move the right analog stick in the direction you want to lateral it to. You don't have to worry about the accuracy of the lateral. When you lateral it in or close to the direction of the player behind you it will auto target him. Be carefull, sometimes you will lateral it behind you even though there is no player and it will turn into a fumble.

How far can something stick out behind your vehicle before you need a red flag?

In some states, anything that sticks out behind your vehicle two feet or more will need a red flag. Other states require a red flag for anything over three feet. Some allow five feet before a red flag is required.

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What are some Sentences with the word Stubborn?

Don't be so stubborn! The stubborn boy kept arguing that two times two does not equal four. If you're stubborn, you will stick to one idea, and one idea only. --if you know the definition of stubborn, you can probably make zillions of sentences--

Is there a right way to be stubborn?

Yes. You can stick to your beliefs, but you have to listen to people and think about what they tell you.

What element is used in non-stick coating?

Not an element but the organic polymer polytetrafluoroethylene.

Is chap stick an element compound or mixture?


What element makes non stick coatings?

Carbon, hydrogen and fluorine.

What element makes a non stick coating?

Teflon is the most commonly used element to create non-stick coatings. Its chemical name is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

Where is the sqeegee in stick RPG 2?

behind the 7/11

Where is the dumpster in stick RPG 2?

Behind 7/11

There is a car behind 1 of 3 doors and a goat behind each of the other 2 you point to one and open another that is a goat. do you stick with the door you have or change to win the car?

you stick

What is a helicopter check in lacrosse?

its like a wrap check. you are running behind them and you wrap your stick around to the front of them and hit their stick.

What is behind an opaque object?

An opaque object does not allow light to pass through it, so what is behind the object cannot be seen. This is because light is either absorbed or reflected by the object, blocking the view of what is behind it.

Where is the sqeegee kid in stick RPG 2?

behind the 7/11