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Q: What lives in the mesopelagic zone of an ocean?
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Where in the ocean are you likely to find animals that make their own light?

the mesopelagic zone

Does the mesopelagic zone have the most sunlight?

How much sunlight is in the mesopelagic zone

Which of these ocean zones is sometimes called the "twilight zone" because of how little sunlight it receives?


Which zone does the piglet squid live in?

The piglet squid lives in the epipelagic zone (sunlight zone) until they are fully matured when they descend in to the mesopelagic zone (twilight zone).

What kind of plants live in the mesopelagic zone?

dominant fishes are of the families Myctophidae and gonostomatidae, for more see Biology of fishes by Bond.

In which ocean zone are the piglet squid found?

epipelagic zone (sunlight zone)- as deep as 200 meters, until they reach full maturation, then the will descend into the mesopelagic zone (twilight zone).

Is the twilight zone the mesopelagic?

Yes, it is.

The main thermocline is located at the zone?

In the mesopelagic

What zone of the ocean is where most life lives?

The epipelagic zone of the ocean is where most life lives.

What are some pelagic zone plants?

also called twilight zone, it is the zone between 100 and 1000m depth. In this zone you don't have primary production (no light, no photosynthesis) but you have all the flux of matter that comes from the surface (fecal pellets, diatoms aggregates, marine snow...). This is the zone where you have all the remineralization processes by the microbial loop and by the zooplankton, so it will determine which part of the CO2 fixed in surface (epipelagic, euphotic zone), that will be sequestrated in the ocean floor and which part will be remineralized (and reinjected to the surface through e.g. winter mixing or mixing/transport by animals) -> this zone is of extreme importance in the phenomenon that we call "oceanic biological pump". A quarter of the CO2 produce each day by humans goes to the ocean -> what are the capacities of the ocean to stock CO2? Is it getting saturated? Can we accelerate the pumping of carbon by fertilizing ocean surface? what will be the role of ocean in global warming? ... All answers need a deep understanding of the mesopelagic zone, one of the less known zone of the ocean!

Which of these ocean zones has the most sunlight?

Mesopelagic :)

To what dept does sunlight penetrate the ocean?

Somewhere in the Mesopelagic Zone (200m to 1000m). Although enough sunlight makes it here for some animals it is too dim for photosynthesis. There is no sunlight beneath this zone.