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Q: What location on dry land did the fish spit jonah out at?
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Where did the whale spit Jonah prophet?

The whale spat Jonah out on dry land.

Why was Noah swallowed by a fish?

Noah was not swallowed by a fish; it was the prophet Jonah from the Bible who was swallowed by a fish. Jonah was swallowed by a great fish as a form of punishment for fleeing from God's orders. He was eventually spit out onto dry land after repenting and praying to God.

Did Jonah eat the fish after he spit out on shore?

it was a whale, so likely, it just swam awayAnswerNo. We are told in the Book of Jonah that a 'great fish' swallowed him, spitting him out three days later. There is a common misconception that it was a 'whale' as this is not mentioned at all in the Hebrew scriptures, nor do whales live in the seas surrounding the area where the story of Jonah was set. Many critics of this story believe it to be fiction as it would be impossible for Jonah (or anyone else) to be swallowed by a fish like this and survive. However, there have been several well-documented cases of sailors and others swallowed either by whale sharks (the largest species of fish in the world) and other large mammals such as whales, and surviving.Therefore, as such a fish would be very large, it would be impossible for Jonah to have 'eaten' it.

What is the Moral of Jonah and the big fish?

God gives second chances. Short version of the story: The story is about Jonah being told by God to go to Nineveh, which, at the time, was the enemy of the Israelites (as Jews should properly be called). Jonah was an Israelite, and he thought that if he went, he would be killed. So instead, he set sail for Tarsus. God sent up a storm while he was on the way, and Jonah was thrown into the ocean. A big fish swallowed him up, and he stayed in its belly for 3 days and nights. He prayed for that whole time, and God commanded the fish to spit him up. Jonah went on to Nineveh to preach, and they repented. Because they repented, God didn't destroy the town.

Do fish have spit?

yes does bubbles at the top of the water are made by spit

What did Jonah do to GOD to be swallowed by a fish?

Originally it was the leviathan, an imaginary, giant beast of the sea.(Really giant, it covered the entire sea bed.) Since the story of Jonah is recorded in the scripture, the scripture has the answer for this.17Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. A fish is not a whale, in terms of modern scientific classification, since a whale is a mammal. However it appears unclear what the actual Hebrew word used could be referring to. Some have suggested it was a large shark. The Leviathan is a different creature, with a different Hebrew word used, and so it was not a Leviathan. In any case, it was not any kind of mythological creature, but a real existent one.

Was Jonah and the big fish in the Old Testament?

The book of Jonah, though the Bible does not call it a 'whale'. At Jonah 1:17, the Bible says: "Now the Lordhad prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."(KJV)Jonah 1:17New King James Version (NKJV) Jonah's Prayer and Deliverance17 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jesus confirmed this event and gave it as a sign of His being the Messiah

Do fish spit?

yes does bubbles at the top of the water are made by spit

What is a spit of land?

a small penninsula

Who sepent three days inside a whale?

Jonah. God told him to go to Ninevah and preach but Jonah ran from God, he boarded a ship bound for a far away place so God sent a storm and Jonah was thrown overboard. It wasn't Jonah's time to die so god sent a whale to swallow Jonah, Jonah spent three days inside the whale praying to God for forgiveness so God had the whale spit Jonah onto shore and Jonah went to preach the gospel in Ninevah as God had commanded.

What does spit mean in geography?

A spit in geography means a bit of land that it deposited off the shore of a larger land form. The spit is caused by the action of the water and creates a separate beach or other area that protrudes out into the water.

How is the spit at spurn head created?

Sand and shingle build up and it creates some new land. This process repeats itself and then a spit is eventually produced. The wind determines the direction of the spit