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one solar year consists of 365 and a quarter days, so every four years those quarters are added up to one day and you get an extra day in february.

Note: between 1901 an 2099 every fourth year is leap-year (1904, ... 2096).

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leap yr = ((y%100!=0 && yr %400==0)?1:(yr%4==0)?1:0; leap yr =1; printf ("leap yr"); else printf ("not leap yr");

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You can use a number of nested "if" commands. The rules are the following: If the year is a multiple of 400, it IS a leap year. Else, if the year is a multiple of 100, it's NOT a leap year. Else, if the year is a multiple of 4, it IS a leap year. Else it's NOT a leap year. In Java, to check for divisibility, you use the "%" operator, which gives you the remainder of a division. For example: if (year % 400 = 0) ... To show results on screen, you use: System.out.println(...)

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Write a c program to find leep year through nested if?

// leap year by @bhi// #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int year; clrscr(); printf("Enter the Year that you want to check : "); scanf("%d", &year); if(year % 400 == 0) printf("%d is a Leap Year.", year); else if(year % 100 == 0) printf("%d is not a Leap Year.", year); else if(year % 4 == 0) printf("%d is a Leap Year.", year); else printf("%d is not a Leap Year", year); printf("\nPress any key to Quit..."); getch(); }

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1776 was a leap year

Is 2014 a leep year?

No. If the year number can be divided by four then it's a leap year. 2012=Leap year.

Was 2112 a leap year?

2112 will be a leap year. If you meant 2012, then it too was a leap year.

Is 2015 going to be a leap year?

Yes 2016 is a leap year.

Is the year 2011 a leap year?

no,the next leap year is 2012!No, it is not a leap year.