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Q: What logo has the leaves child and parents with blue world?
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Is it possible to have a blue eyed child if one of the parents has hazel eyes but both parents have the blue eyed gene?

yes it is and if they both have the blue eyed gene then the child should have blue eyes

Can a child have blue eyes when neither parents family have?


What eye color will be the child's eye color if the mom is green and the dads eye color is blue?

The green eye and the blue eye are the same gene, so is black and brown. The child's eyes would have to be green or blue because both parents onlt have blue genes. If both parents have brown eyes there is still a chance the child's eyes could come out blue, but only if one of the parents have a hidden blue gene. But is both parents have blue eyes this means all their genes are blue and the child will 100% have blue eyes.

If a child has blue eyes and both her parents have brown eyes what does that tell you about the trait for blue eyes?

That the trait for blue eyes was recessive in both parents.

Will Two blue eyed parents recessive definitely have a blue eyed Child?

yes because two parents with recessive traits do not have the dominant allele to pass onto the child

What is blue child?

Blue childeren are FROM both PARENTS HAVING negative blood hence blue blood.

If parents have Blue and Brown eyes what will the child have?

any color

Which country has plants with blue leaves?

There are many plants all over the world with leaves or a blue or bluish colour.

Can a child get brown eyes if parents' eyes are hazel?

a child with parents eyes that are blue and grey are more likely to get blue eyes. But it is not impossible that a child with those parents cant get brown eyes. My parents have brown and blue eyes and i got grey. It isn't impossible but quite rare.

What must a baby blue jay do from when it hatches until it leaves its parents?

baby it self

What must a blue jay do from when it hatches until it leaves its parents?

eat a lot and fledge

What if your eyes are blue and your girlfriends eyes are brown Will your child have blue eyes or brown eyes?

You have a better chance of brown, because brown is dominant. If one of your girfriend's parents have blue eyes you have a The your girlfriend is a carrier of the recessive blue eyes gene and there is a 50% chance that your child will have blue eyes. If neither of her parents had blue eyes but one of their parents had blue eyes there is a 25% chance your child will have blue eyes. But statistics do not generally apply perfectly to real life, because life is fairly random. So it's better to say your chances SHOULD be 50% of having a child with blue eyes if one of your girlfriends parents have blue eyes, and your chances SHOULD be 25% etc.....