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to find out who the murder was.

I hope this is riht and I helped u. I am 96 percent sure

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Q: What made all the heirs decide to coooperate with each other?
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Why did the heirs of Westing Game decide to cooperate with each other?

The heirs of Westing Game decided to cooperate with each other because they realized that they were being manipulated by the game's creator, Samuel Westing. By working together, they were able to uncover the truth behind the game and solve the mystery surrounding Westing's death. Cooperation ultimately led to a better outcome for all involved.

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The main inner conflict is that Romeo and Juliet love each other but they hate their families so they have to decide if they hate or love each other. In the end they decide the only way they can 100% love each other is if they decide to no longer consider themselves as a part of their families.

Why did each of the heirs write out their questions and not ask them out loud in the westing game?

The heirs wrote out their questions because they were under strict rules not to communicate with each other outside of the game, and writing allowed everyone to keep their queries private. Additionally, writing questions provided a layer of anonymity, allowing the heirs to avoid potential confrontations or revealing their suspicions to others.

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it's when a girl has a crush on a boy and he has a crush on her too and they decide to be friends, but since they really like each other and sometimes even love each other they decide to make it a boyfriend, girlfriend relationship.

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The will is invalid and the forger (probably the person who benefited) has committed a crime. If no earlier, valid will can be found, then the person will probably be considered to have died intestate and the government/courts will decide who the heirs are and how much they will each get (after costs).

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After Romeo and Juliet vow their love for each other, they decide to get married secretly the next day. They plan to seek Friar Laurence's help for the marriage ceremony.

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That is a personal matter for each individual to decide

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