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Even a perfect Union blockade against the South would not have quickly ended the war. The Southern territories were so large and so self sufficient, that initially the blockade needed time to make an impact. As time passed and more ports were closed, a quick surrender was then impossible. This was because that the South had to win its war for independence or be devastated. On the other hand, the North, could "lose" and continue to prosper.

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Q: What made early Union blockade efforts less effective against the Confederacy?
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What was the effect of the naval blockade of the Confederacy by the Union?

Serious shortage of war supplies of every kind on the Confederate side, and repeated efforts to recruit foreign allies to break the blockade.

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What were some of the failures of the Union blockade during the US Civil War?

It's clear that the Union blockade hampered the war efforts of the Confederacy. The large number of ships the Union used in its blockading efforts were no match for Rebel raiders in ships they bought from England. Yet with that said, the blockade was not as effective as the US Navy would have liked. For example, although three of the major Southern ports, New Orleans, Norfolk and Galveston all fell in 1862. Less than a year later Galveston was recaptured by Confederate forces. Other major ports, however, such as Mobile, Savannah, Wilmington and Charleston remained in Rebel hands until the last part of the war.

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What were two examples of why the Union blockade efforts against the South were not as effective as some historians have believed?

Two of the deadliest Confederate raiding ships, the CSS Alabama and the CSS Florida were built by the British and both were able to slip past the Union blockade of Mobile, Alabama. These raiders demolished a huge number of Union cargo ships. It was not unknown by the Union that the British were building these warships for the South, yet both of them were able to slip past Union blockade efforts.The other example is cited by US Grant in his memoirs of the war. He wrote that after his siege of Vicksburg caused it to surrender, he discovered 60,000 rifles in Vicksburg, and the best ones were made by the British. Clearly, the blockade was not as effective as many historians seem to have believed.

Can you give me a sentence for the word effective?

I would help you, if I thought that my efforts would be effective.

Why did the Union blockade Southerner ports?

To prevent Southern efforts to sell cotton in Europe in exchange for war supplies.

How the American effective have their efforts been so far?

The American efforts have been so good. They have been useless.

What is a sentence using Confederacy and Union?

During the Civil War, the capitals of the Confederacy and the Union were only about 100 miles apart. Although the Confederacy was geographically larger than the Union, it had a much lower population.

What were the results of Union blockades in the US Civil War?

The Union blockades were generally effective. Blockade runners that made it through were highly rewarded, but the risks were very high. Many privateers were able to slop past the Union blockaders.

What type of warship consumed most of the naval strategy of the Confederacy?

Building ironclads consumed most of the South's naval efforts.

Why did the Union Navy blockade the South at the start of the war?

{| |- | It was an effective method of crippling the Southern War efforts. The South had few manufacturing resources. In order to successfully wage war, they needed weapons and military supplies and lots of money. By preventing them from selling their agricultural goods (cotton) and buying other things, the Union was able to prevent the Southern states from building strength. |}