

What made the reflecting telescope so useful?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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It was a great invention because it enabled you to look up at the sky without needing to turn your head to an hard and hurtful position.

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Q: What made the reflecting telescope so useful?
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Did Einstein create the first telescope?

No. The first telescopes were made by Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen in 1608. Galileo improved their design and made the first astronomical telescope by 1609. In 1611 Kepler improved the telescope further and in 1616 Zucchi designed the first reflecting telescope. The first radio telescope was made by Reber in 1937. So, as you can see the first telescope was made several hundred years before Einstein.

Is hershelian a type of telescope?

Yes, a Hershelian telescope is a type of reflecting telescope in which the primary mirror is tilted so the observer's head does not block the incoming light.

How did Newton solve the problem of using an eyepiece with a reflecting telescope?

== == Newton did not invent the reflecting telescope. The first reflecting telescope is credited to Niccolò Zucchi in 1616. In 1668, Isaac Newton made significant improvements to the design resulting in a much improved reflecting telescope that still bears his name, the "Newtonian reflector." He did it because the refracting (lens) telescopes of the day suffered severe color aberration. (Different focal lengths of different colours of light resulting in a blurred image because all the colours can't be brought into focus at the same time.) Reflecting telescopes do not suffer from color aberation and Newton's improvements made them effective observing instruments. Although the colour aberration of refractors was partially solved by the invention of the achromatic lens in 1733 Newton's design remains in use to this day.

What type of lens is used in the eyepiece for reflecting telescopes?

A radio telescope is a reflecting telescope, and uses a mirror rather than a lens. Since radio waves are so much longer than light waves, the 'mirror' of a radio telescope is the 'dish' reflector that focuses radio waves onto its antenna, located at the prime focus of the dish.

Why did the invention of a reflecting telescope help people to see more than a lens telescope?

There are a number of advantages with a reflecting telescope but the most favourable is the fact that it uses a curved mirror which 'reflects' the image as opposed to a refractor which 'refracts' the image. In short, 'white light' is made up from all of the colours of the rainbow. When using a reflecting telescope, the mirror deflects the entire light make-up in one go so that a sharp focal point can be defined. With a refracting telescope, each individual light colour refracts at a different angle meaning that if you place the focusing lens in position for say violet, it will be out of focus for the other six colours.

Which telescope is bigger refracting or reflecting?

"To build a large refracting telescope would require very strong supports to hold large enough lenses. These supports would tend to block out important light. So the refracting telescope is limited in its use. Today most large telescopes are reflecting telescopes." ~ BYU Home Study Astronomy course

How did Issac Newtons first reflecting telescope change the world?

He was the first person who invented Reflecting telescope , so now a days other scientists use those telescope to find out other planets and they are trying to look for a planet which is suitable for human being to live in because the earth is overcrowded now. If they can find out another planet which is suitable for humans to live in they will send half of the pupil from the earth to that planet so that we can stop over population.

Does a telescope use a convex lens?

Reflecting telescopes don't use lenses - they use mirrors (hence 'reflecting'). Light goes in the top, hits a concave mirror at the bottom of the tube which makes the light converge when it is reflected, then bounces back up to the top where it hits a smaller secondary mirror, where it is directed down the eyepiece. Do you mean refracting telescopes? If so then these do use lenses, the amount depends on the telescope. The most simple form has an objective lens which focuses the light, and then an eyepiece which has a lens in it to magnify the image. The objective lens is convex on the side pointing out of the telescope, and is flat on the other side.

What were isaac newtons top 5 inventions?

1. Newtonian cat doors- Isaan Newton invented this item when cats kept sratching on his door. He cut a hole in the door so the cats could go through. 2. Newtonian Reflecting telescope- This type of telescope was made in 1668, and it had a mirror inside that would reflect the image to a focus point.

What type of telescope is the hubble telescope?

The Hubble telescope was a basic reflector telescope with a 94.5 ft mirror. The Hubble collects light though its open end, the primary mirror reflects the light to a secondary mirror that then reflects the light through a hole in the primary mirror to a focal point of the instruments or eyes of the Hubble.

Are x-ray telescope mirrors similar to optical telescope mirrors?

The biggest telescopes are reflecting - instead of a main lens, they have a main mirror. Above a certain size, it is no longer feasible, or at least practical, to use lenses.The biggest telescopes are reflecting - instead of a main lens, they have a main mirror. Above a certain size, it is no longer feasible, or at least practical, to use lenses.The biggest telescopes are reflecting - instead of a main lens, they have a main mirror. Above a certain size, it is no longer feasible, or at least practical, to use lenses.The biggest telescopes are reflecting - instead of a main lens, they have a main mirror. Above a certain size, it is no longer feasible, or at least practical, to use lenses.

How is a refracting telescope different to a reflecting telescope?

they use different glass and ways to look at things, I'm not an astrologist so i don't really know that well but search it in google and you will find a much better answer than this. Sorry it isn't great but good luck finding a proper answer! :)