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The map shows the distribution of population across different regions or countries.

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Q: What main idea does this map convey?
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The difference is that the stated main idea is there in the text but the implied main idea is what you think the author was trying to convey.

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The main idea of a poem is called its theme. This theme often represents the central message or insight that the poet is trying to convey through the poem.

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The main idea is the most important point of a passage or story, while the central idea is the overall theme or message that the author wants to convey. In simpler terms, the main idea is what the story is mostly about, and the central idea is the big picture message.

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The main idea is the central point or theme that the text is trying to convey. It is the most important message or conclusion that the author wants the reader to take away from the reading.

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The central idea of a passage is the main point that the author is trying to convey to the reader. It encapsulates the primary message or theme of the text.

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Statement, Extension, Elaboration. #Novanet -Kevin Murphy