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Q: What major faith in the early modern era spread to more people than any other?
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How did Rome's persecutiom of christians help Christianity grow and spread?

Because people were inspired by the courage of the early Christians(many of whom were only children), & their willingness to die for their faith, that they too, became Christians. "The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Faith."

How did the early persecution of Christians affect the early church?

It caused the dispersion of believers who spread the gospel wherever they went thus causing an increase in evangelism, as well as a further spread of the Christian faith, the opposite of what was intended.

What were the activities and responsibilities in the early church?

The primary responsibility of the early Christians was to spread the Good News about Jesus and salvation. Deb The main responsibility of the early church was to spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and to help those who became Believers to grow in their faith. Deb

Did Christianity actively attempt to spread its faith?

Yes--it is probably the most aggressive religion in attempting to spread the faith.

After Islam spread who helped to keep it going?

The people living and practicing their faith helped to keep it going.

What do we call letters written by the early church to encourage people to practice their faith?

An epistle.

What was adolf hitlers focus in his early life?

elimination of people of the Jewish faith.

Why is Christianity common?

Mainly because of early conquest of lands, assimilation and conversion of aboriginal cultures. Early christian believed it was their duty to spread the faith. Well, many still do, but they are not as violence and forceful now.

How did magic spread?

Magic is a force that people have to believe in. Like religion, it is faith-based. Magic is very old, and it has always been spread by word-of-mouth. People tell other people and convince them of the power of the magic and they believe and tell other people. Magic does not work on people who do not believe that it has power, so it is not possible to cast a spell on someone who has not first been convinced that the spell will work. For this reason magic can only spread as fast as belief in that magic spreads. If belief fails, as has happened in modern cultures, then magic will fail too, and its spread is halted.

What difficulties stood in the way of the spread of Buddhism?

People. People who didn't want things to change who were afraid of following another faith simply just people.

What are some of the missionaries goals?

The goals of a missionary are to spread the LDS faith to people of all ages, countries and walks of life. They inspire you with the faith of the restored Church of Jesus christ.

How did the Lord help the early church?

When Christians show love for each other, God is there. Christians were quite cohesive and supportive of one another, and that helped spread the faith--it still does.