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Q: What major key is indicated through the key signature at the opening of Don Juan by Strauss?
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What inspired Johann Strauss to write the Blue Danube?

Walking through the forest, Strauss heard a bird chirping "bom bom bom bom" (the part where violins play 1-2-3-4) And the rest came naturally!

Is diffraction more pronounced through a large opening or a small opening?

A smaller opening.

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An aperture is an opening in the centre of your lens through which light passes. The amount of light, which passes through an aperture, is indicated by f/stops or f/numbers. The lower the f/stop the more light that passes through the aperture. Opening up one full f/stop doubles the amount of light entering the camera. F/4 admits twice the light of f5.6.

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Is Also sprach Zarathustra in the public domain?

No; works of Richard Strauss will be protected through 2019.

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The Best Way To Contact Him Is, Through warren with signature sound, Or Through The Band Email,

A palindrome to a small opening or to look through a small opening?


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Is diffraction more pronounced through a small or a large opening?

Diffraction is more pronounced through a small opening because the smaller the opening, the higher the amount of bending or spreading of light waves as they pass through. This phenomenon is more noticeable when the opening size is close to the wavelength of the light being diffracted.

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The air comes through the right opening instead of the left opening because hot air from the candle leaves via the left opening.

What do you call the opening for menstrual blood?

The opening through which menstrual flow flows is the vaginal opening. Menstrual flow leaves the uterus via the cervix and then passes through the vaginal canal.