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The Zagros Mountains and Fertile Crescent help form the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

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Q: What major landmass helps form the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
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What two rivers were important to the Sumerians?

There are two rivers that feed into the land of Mesopotamia. They are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They are important because the two rivers brought silt, a rich soil which helps plant grow extremely well. I hope my answer helped! :)

What does Mesopotamians mean and why was the civilization given that name?

Mesopotamia means land between two rivers. The civilization named it that way because it actually is a land between two rivers. It is surrounded by the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Hope it helps you.

Many of the largest cities in Southwest Asia are located or near what?

Many of the largest cities in Southwest Asia are located on or near: Major Rivers!! Hope this helps c: :p

How wide is the Euphrates on average?

The Euphrates river helps make up the land area of Mesopotamia along with the Tigris river. On average, the Euphrates 700 miles wide from its mouth.

In which city was a ziggarat invented in?

I'm not sure about the exact city, but I know that they were first built by the ancient Sumerians (located in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), and were picked up by several other ancient civilizations as well. I hope that helps some... that's what I can remember off the top of my head.

Why is the Fertile Crescent important to civilizations?

When the two rivers flood (Euphrates & Tigris) it makes the soil rich and soft and it makes the crops grow better. I hope that helps!Fertile crescent attracted Sumerians because of their fertile soil. It contained one plain known as Mesopotamia, meaning in Greek "land between the rivers''.

What did Mesopotamia use most there water for?

They used the Tigris and Euphrates river for boats to come in and trade goods and farming. There would be an annual flood and the Mesopotamians would count on that for farming. The boats would bring in items such as: food, cloth, jewelry, wine, pottery and other goods. Hope that helps!

What happens when rivers run into the ocean?

Rivers do not run into oceans as rivers do not have legs. Hope this helps :)

What is the common name of a tiger?

The latin name for a lion is Panthera LeoIt is in the genus Panthera and in the family FelidaeHope this helps :D

Why did civilizations did first arise along Fertile crescent?

Civilizations first rose up along the Fertile Crescent because the region had soil that was very good for farming

What is the Fertile Crescent?

When the two rivers flood (Euphrates & Tigris) it makes the soil rich and soft and it makes the crops grow better. I hope that helps!Fertile crescent attracted Sumerians because of their fertile soil. It contained one plain known as Mesopotamia, meaning in Greek "land between the rivers''.

What does the term Fertile Crescent mean?

The fertile crescent is a nickname for Mesopotamia. Fertile means wet and crescent is a little thinner than half moon. There is another nickname for it due to the fact that it is the land between the rivers. This a true statement too because there are two rivers surrounding it they are the Euphrates river and the Tigris river and the Jordan River.