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marketing and environmental stimuli enter the consumer's consciousness, and a set of psychological processes combine with certain consumer characteristics to result in decision processes and purchase decisions.

there are four key psychological processes.



learning, and

beliefs and attitudes

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Consumer responses to marketing programs are influenced by various psychological processes such as perception, motivation, attitudes, and learning. Perception affects how consumers interpret and make sense of marketing messages, while motivation drives their decision-making and purchasing behavior. Attitudes play a key role in shaping consumer preferences and brand choices, while learning influences how consumers acquire information and form associations with products or brands. These psychological processes interact to impact consumer responses to marketing strategies.

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Q: What major psychological processes influence consumer responses to the marketing program?
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Continue Learning about Psychology

What refers to both motor and psychological responses to skills instruction?

Skill acquisition refers to both the physical motor responses required to perform a new skill, as well as the psychological processes involved in learning and mastering that skill. This encompasses the development of both the physical ability to execute the skill and the mental understanding and motivation needed for success.

What are the examples of psychological and physiological?

Examples of psychological responses include stress, anxiety, and fear. Examples of physiological responses include increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension.

What is psychological triad?

The psychological triad refers to the three components that make up an individual's personality: thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These components are interconnected and influence each other in shaping an individual's overall psychological makeup and responses to the environment. Understanding the psychological triad can help in comprehending how people think, feel, and behave in various situations.

Why is stress considered both physiological and psychological or cognitive?

Stress involves both physiological responses in the body (such as increased heart rate and release of stress hormones) and psychological or cognitive responses (such as feelings of worry, anxiety, or tension). These two aspects interact and influence each other, leading to the overall experience of stress that includes both physical and mental components.

What are the principles of physiological psychology?

Physiological psychology explores how the brain and body interact to influence behavior and mental processes. Its principles include understanding how biological systems impact cognition, emotion, and behavior, emphasizing the role of neurotransmitters, hormones, and brain structures. Additionally, it considers the importance of genetics, evolution, and environmental factors in shaping psychological processes.

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What refers to both motor and psychological responses to skills instruction?

Skill acquisition refers to both the physical motor responses required to perform a new skill, as well as the psychological processes involved in learning and mastering that skill. This encompasses the development of both the physical ability to execute the skill and the mental understanding and motivation needed for success.

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Examples of psychological responses include stress, anxiety, and fear. Examples of physiological responses include increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension.

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What is psychological triad?

The psychological triad refers to the three components that make up an individual's personality: thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These components are interconnected and influence each other in shaping an individual's overall psychological makeup and responses to the environment. Understanding the psychological triad can help in comprehending how people think, feel, and behave in various situations.

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Why is stress considered both physiological and psychological or cognitive?

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do you have a weiner because i dont, i ate it, with mayo

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What are the principles of physiological psychology?

Physiological psychology explores how the brain and body interact to influence behavior and mental processes. Its principles include understanding how biological systems impact cognition, emotion, and behavior, emphasizing the role of neurotransmitters, hormones, and brain structures. Additionally, it considers the importance of genetics, evolution, and environmental factors in shaping psychological processes.