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Q: What make egyptians different fom pilipinos or thies?
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he make a big idia for pilipinos

How did Egyptians make their make up?

With different types of plants!

How did the Egyptians religion make there tombs look different?

there religion told them different things to do to the tomb or coffin

What crafts did the Egyptians make?

they made lots of different jewelry and golden bowls

Where did the Egyptians sacrifice?

They would often make their sacrifices in their temples. There were pretty many temples, different ones for different gods/goddesses.

Why did the Egyptians use papyrus stems to make?

Egyptians used papyrus stems to make paper

What is the procedure of prayer during journey?

It is to sit down and pray. When you pray on a journey you are meant to sit and go down and make your tummy touch your thies.

How did the Egyptians make gold?

Egyptians did not make gold, they found it and carved to were they used it on sacred things, such as tomb stones, ect.

What advances did egyptians make in learning?

the advances Egyptians made paper, and the system of hieroglyphs

What did the Egyptians make there homes out of?


How did the egyptians make papyrus?

with trees

How did the Egyptians make the food?

They cooked it!