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their penis and testiciles -


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Q: What make sharks and rays different from other fish?
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What type of relationship do sharks have with fish?

They are an R-Strategist which means that they make many young for a higher chance of survival but don't take care of their young. BA

Do sharks have preditors?

Yes. Well.... when they glow, they make it appear that there is a little fish swimming along. When a predator of the fish comes and tries to "eat it" the cookiecutter attacks the fish. So they basically don't have predators.

What did he make in Atlantic Ocean?

god made sharks and whales and jellyfish and lots of other types of fish to! hope this helps!

What do sharks lack that make them different from other fish?

They do not have bones, instead they have cartilage. They can only swim forwards! A large oily liver helps keep them afloat. Also, eggs are fertilized in the female's body. They do not have gill covers.

What do sharks do beside attacking and eating?

Sharks love to swim. So other than eating and hunting fish, they swim. If they dont do that than they just hunt and eat all day.

What is a sharks body covering?

Sharks are fish so, like all fish, they have scales. In the case of sharks, these scales are somewhat different in composition, and actually make up a yep of skin. Shark skin is made up of tiny, hard, tooth-like structures known as dermal denticles or placoid scales.

How are fish different than other vertebrate?

fish represent three of several classes that make up the phylum of vertebrate

What type of fish are sharks and skates?

Along with rays, they make up the family Chodrichthyes, fish with skeletons of cartilage. They are among the most primitive of fish.

25 gal tank with 2 bala sharks but my fish do not swim they just stay in the corner and don't move i have had these fish for about a week is there anything i can do to make them swim?

Bala sharks grow into large fish. The basic rules are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water (a single Bala shark needs at least 20 gallons. 2 need around 40+gallons). Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week. Different species of fish need different temperatures (Bala sharks need around 75F) and different pH and specialised foods if required (Bala sharks are omnivorous). If you supply your fish with the above they should survive reasonably well. If you fail to supply what is required to keep your fish healthy I can guarantee that your fish will never be healthy and they will be a source of constant worry.

How do you make a fish on alchemy game?

Bacterium + plankton