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Q: What make the back legs of a cocker spaniel tremor?
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Lady is a Cocker Spaniel. They typically have short legs, a long body, and long silky hair.

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Lady, from the film "Lady and the Tramp", is an American Cocker Spaniel. The muzzle on the American Cocker is shorter than an English Cocker, and an English Cocker Spaniel has a more Labrador-shaped head .

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Why does my pit bull's back legs tremor?

A tremor in a dog's legs can be caused by a number of different things like nausea, pain, kidney disease, or injury. The best way to ascertain the cause is to see your vet immediately.

How do you tell if dog is mix of cocker spaniel and cavalier?

A mix is called a cockalier ,they are mosty bigger and have a egg shaped head, sometimes they have speckles on there face & legs. They come in all colours of both breeds.

What Animal has 4 legs that start with the letter e?

Dogs have four legs. English Springer Spaniel, English Toy Terrier, English Cocker Spaniel, English Foxhound, English Setter and Entlebucher Mountain Dog are dog breeds.

What would cause a cocker spaniel's butt and legs to swell after a long walk and make it so they cannot walk?

You need to take your dog in to be checked out by a Veterinarian immediately! This could be a heart problem or many other things.

Does a cocker spaniel have health problems through interbreeding?

Hello: Any dog can develop many genetic problems because of interbreeding. Cocker Spaniels have many skin and coat problems... also , they tend to have ear infections... A genetic problem would be with the heart, lungs or legs ( joints) I hope this has helped you. Any other questions, Just ask

What is the name of three french cheeses?

legs, Justin bieber, and cocker spaniels

Is 3 miles running a day too much for a 14 month old American cocker spaniel puppy?

3 miles should be the longest you run with your cocker. You have to remember, she has very short legs and have to work a lot harder to cover that distance. Go slow and walk the distance at first and slowly work into a run/walk. I would suggest that you don't exceed 9:30 min/miles unless she is very skinny to avoid joint and shoulder injury.

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