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Your diet plays a big role on everything in your body. I was trying to do the same thing, and I found that drinking about 10-12 glasses of water (although it seems like a lot) helps. But also getting the right amount of fruits, veggies, grains/wheat, etc. will also help. you may not notice results in the first few days or weeks, but your hair will not only grow a little faster, but it will be healthier, and rid of most (if not all) of those terrible hair sprays that really ruin your hair.

Also (as I implied) try not to use any hair sprays or gels. Still shampoo and condition your hair though.

For shampooing I recommend not trying to find the cheapest, but try to find the most natural shampoo. And the same goes for conditioning. you should always use the same amount of conditioner as you do of shampoo, but NEVER mix the two together or get 2 in 1, because it may either dry out your hair really quickly or make it really oily. For the best results, try making your own shampoo and conditioner. That way you know what goes in it.

Try the sites below site if you want to try making your own products. You can also find other things to make with natural things other than just shampoo and conditioner. You will most likely be happy with your results!!! :)

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Q: What make your hair grow faster without products?
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How do you make your hair grow faster without eating food?

There are available hair products now to grow your hair faster. You can buy and apply it to your hair.

How do you make hair grow faster without products?

Trim your hair,weekly. Take long naps.

How do you make your hair grow faster without cutting it?

you can't make your hair grow faster just let it grow

How do you make your hair grow faster and longer by using homemade products?

Wash your hair

The best hair growing shampoo?

Honestly there are no products that make your hair grow faster. But some shampoos can help you get healthier hair.

How do you grow your hair out faster?

Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.

What products can you use to make your hair grow faster?

There is a homeopathic pill called silicea. But it will make ALL your hair grow ALL OVER .Also shampoos with panthenol. But the best treatment to make you hair grow faster is to massage shampoo, then conditioner it to scalp.

How do you get your hair to grow longer faster without products?

Limit the amount of time you use heat on it. If you have oily hair, shampoo every day. If you have a dry scalp, shampoo and condition every other day.

How do you make your hair grow faster and longer without changing your diet?

to grow long hair is you have to eat helthy stuff and pull you hair until it rips

Which products have been proven to make your hair grow faster?

There are many products that have been proven to improve hair growth. Some of these hair growth products include Har Vokse, Groei360, and Healthier Regrow.

Does a hair treatment causes hair to grow faster and fill in?

yes a hair treatment does causes hair to grow faster and fill in

How can one make the hair grow faster?

Generally, there are no techniques that can make hair grow faster, including hair trimming, follicle stimulation, and special hair products. The only proven way to increase hair growth speed is to increase consumption of amino acids through diet change.