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they are not i mean if ur american you would think that but other than that canadians are equal to nay other human on the planet.

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Q: What makes Canadian people a great citizens?
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Should America make sure to include a certain percentage of diversity?

it should have a great amount of diversity, this is what makes a country great and loved by other countries look at Canada as an example/ we have no enemies, our doors are also open to the masses , we do a great deal of scrutinizing people who want to come here for a better life, they love it here and make great Canadian citizens.

What kind of rabbits live in the Canadian woods?

white rabbits Canadian rabbits. If they're born here, they are naturalized citizens of the forest. Otherwise they are refugees, some of which come from Wascawee. You know what that makes them, don't you Elmer?

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The role of citizens in a republican government is to decide who shall represent them. This makes the people not give up their voice in government.

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Canadian judges are appointed by the Judicial Board. This is to makes sure the judge knows what he's doing and isn't just popular with the people

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They are only Canadian is they were born and raised is Canada

Which Canadian province has the most people per square kilometre?

The Canadian province that has the most people per square kilometer is the province of Ontario. The province of Ontario also makes up over 38% of the population in the country of Canada.

What makes someone great?

Someone is great if they have done something that is a record or if it saves other people.

Should I join the Canadian army or the british army?

The Canadian army makes more money so the Canadian army.

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A great philosopher convinces majority of people in elevating knowledge, besides erasing ignorance.

What is a Canadian province that makes a lot of syrup?

QUEBEC makes a TON of maple syrup

Is Adele Canadian?

No, she was born in England which makes her English.