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It is based on evidence found in the world.

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Q: What makes Darwin's theory of evolution believable?
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What makes evolution a theory?

It is supported by data.

What is the hypothesis that evolution occurred slowly but steadily called?

I think the attribution you are looking for is "Darwins' theory of evolution". He wrote several books hypothesizing his theories, the most pertinent to your question being "Origin of Species". You might also want to look up something called the "kalisto effect"... It is a theory based on a similar principal, but in which, occasionally evolution takes makes a giant step and creates a short lived, but particularly efficient abhoritional species

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

What makes the theory of creation and evolution significant in existence of humanity?

There is no theory of creation. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. The only significance to human society is that some people can not accept the real and modern world because of ideological constraints.

Why you study evolution?

I study evolution because it is the concept that underlies all of biology. Biology would still be natural history without the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection is the overarching theory that underpins all of biology while explaining much about the fact of evolution. " Nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution. " Dobzansky.

Can Muslims accept evolution as science or must they see it as evil?

We accept evolutionary science on the evidence presented. No religious ideology can trump the evidence for the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains much of the fact of evolution. I find it passing strange that someone could see a scientific theory as evil since the theory makes no claim on the supernatural. It is up to Muslims what they will accept, but the theory is the bedrock of biology and you cannot do much biology without the theory's overarching explanatory power.

What makes evolution a therory?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. That is what make a theory, explanation. Facts are useful, but uninteresting. Theories explain facts by gathering many convergent pieces of evidence and putting it into a logical and consistent whole.

The core idea that makes sense of the unity and all the diversity of life is?

The theory that accounts for the differences that divide and the unity that joins all living things is the

What fiction makes the seemingly impossible believable?

Romance Fiction

Why do we use Darwin's theory?

Simply put, to understand the unity and diversity of life. " Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. "

What is the current theory of evolution?

The current theory of evolution, as proposed by Charles Darwin, states that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce in their environment. This process leads to the gradual changes in traits within populations over time, resulting in the diversity of life we see today.

Is the Darwin theory of evolution true?

We don't use the word "true" to describe scientific theories. They either fit the facts or they do not. Darwin's theory of evolution fits most of the observed facts, and does so beautifully. A theory is useful if it makes successful predictions. Darwin's theory has absolutely zero to do with belief in God. The Catholic Church does not hate God, yet endorses the view that evolution has occurred in much the way Charles Darwin described. Is there a scientific theory that better explains the evidence from paleontology, geology, anatomy, and molecular biology? No. Therefore, we provisionally accept the theory of evolution as an accurate depiction of the origin of species. Again, this has nothing to do with whether or not God exists and/or loves you. Evolution is wrong. God is true.