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Peregrine falcons are not necessarily better fliers, but definitely better divers. Their streamlined bodies and small wings make for a very aerodynamic figure which helps them to get very strongly into their dive. The small surface area of their wings helps them to not lose control during a high-speed dive. Peregrine falcons are the fastest animal on earth, with dives reaching speeds of up to 200 mph.

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Q: What makes Peregrine Falcons fly better?
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Do peregrine falcons fly?

Yes heres a pic

How fast do perigrine falcons fly?

a Peregrine falcon can fly 180mph no it Can fly 140 mph and faster and when it dives it can go 200mph and more

What animal is the fastest in the air?

The fastest animals in air are called Peregrine falcons. They fly at 90 mph and dive at 200 mph.

What is the bird that can fly up to 200mph?

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird when in its hunting dive, the stoop, when it dives steeply at speeds of over 200 mph.

Fastest animal on air?

The fastest air animal would be Peregrine falcons, and they are the fastest animals on Earth. They fly at 90 mph and dive at 200 mph.

What do peregran faulcons?

Peregrine falcons are known to be among the fastest of all birds on the planet. They eat small rodents, snakes, and other birds that they hunt from the sky. Falcons can fly at close to 200 miles per hour in a dive.

How do falcons travel?

Falcons fly.

Who has a better chance of winning a peregrine falcon or a horse?

You would have to specify what sort of contest they were having as each creature is going to be better at some things than the other. For example the falcon is going to be better at a flying contest because horses don't fly. But a horse is going to be better at a running contest because falcons don't run very well.

What can a peregrine falcon do?

Peregrine Falcons are birds that are the fastest animal, ever to set foot on the earth. Not in flight but when they are diving which is called a "Stoop" which allows them to EXCEL speeds of 290mph! They like to eat meat or in their case Pigeons. Peregrine Falcons, actually catch Pigeons during their stoop. They fly up high (EXTREMLEY HIGH) and then, DROP down and fold their wings back. Atleast 1/2 a second after they release there killer talons and pierce the pigeons' flesh and have a tasty meal. They then fly back to their nests (prefebley found in cliffs or high hills) and then feed it to their chicks.

What are some examples of animals that experience high speed or high energy impacts?

Peregrine Falcons are a very good example of an animal that experiences high speed impacts. Especially when diving. It can fly up to 200 MPH!

How do falcons move?

they fly or walk

What does a peregrine facon do?

fly around and eat things