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Most planets have a certain degree of tilt on their axis, like earth does. But the tilt of Uranus on it's axis is so extreme, that it essentially rolls around the sun on it's side. Or to put it another way, instead of it's axis pointing basically North/South, it points almost East/West.

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It rotates, when seen from above it's North Pole, clockwise, which is different from the others.

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Q: What makes Uranus unusual compared to other planets?
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What makes Uranus special or interesting compared to other planets?

Uranus' most unique characteristic is that it's "laying on its side." The angle between its orbital plane and its rotational axis is only 7.77°.

Does Uranus have land?

The planet Uranus does not have land....Jupiter,Satern,URANUS, and Neptune are all gas planets. Gas planets are planets that are made up of gas and liquids..which makes it impossible to land foot in it. So the planet Uranus does not have land

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The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) is divided from the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) by the asteroid belt.

How are Uranus and Neptune similar?

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Let's start with the( approximate) data. Here are the planets' densities compared with water as the standard : Jupiter 1.33 Saturn 0.69 Uranus 1.27 Neptune 1.64 You can see that Jupiter actually has a slightly higher density than Uranus. So that makes the question a bit "wrong". Let's ignore that. The composition of these planets is still not certain, but Neptune is thought to contain water, methane and ammonia. All these are denser than hydrogen which makes up a lot of Jupiter and Saturn.

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It is the biggest the rock-like planets but is smaller than any of the gas planets. This makes it the fifth largest planet in the solar system

How Uranus' axis of rotation differs from those of other planets?

Uranus' axis of rotation is different in that it rotates at close to a 90 degree angle. This makes it rotate nearly parallel to the plane of the Solar System.

What makes uranus different from the other planets?

Because of the strange way it spins, nights on some parts of Uranus can last for more than 40 years. The planet's most extraordinary feature is the tilt of its rotational axis, which is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, which means that it alternately has its north pole and its south pole turned towards the sun.

What makes up the outer solar system?

The outer solar system is thought of as the four outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune plus dwarf planets and other smaller debris further out.

What is Uranus' position in space?

The axis of the planet Uranus is tipped. The poles are on the sides of the planet instead of the top and bottom. This makes it spin sideways compared to the other planets in our system.

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What makes a catfish unusual is that is has wiskers

What are the five outer planets in order starting from the asteroid belt?

The first four planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are located before the asteroid belt. The remaining four planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are located afterthe asteroid belt. Thus, the asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets.