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Lamprey are the only species of fish that do not have a jaw, or fixed appendages, unlike other fish. They suck nutrients and organs from other organisms.

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Q: What makes a Lamprey different from other fish?
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Why are lamprey eels a problem to other fish?

because all the other fish are jealous of them XD

Is a lamprey a amphibians?

No, a lamprey is not an amphibian. A lamprey is a fish, more specifically a jawless fish. It is one of the earliest forms of fish that is still alive today.

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What is lamprey prey?

Lamprey eels are parasites so when they hook on to other animals they suck the animals blood. :P

Does a lamprey slither?

No, they swim. A lamprey out of water is as helpless as a fish out of water.

What fish eats other fish?

It depends if your fish are aggressive and atempted to eat the little fish

Is a lamprey a bony fish?

Yes, lampreys are cartilaginous fish.

Are lamprey fish kosher?


What is the common name for the class of fish that the lamprey belongs to?

lamprey (sometimes also called lamprey eel) is a jawless fish with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. While lampreys are well known for those species which bore into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood, these species make up the minority. In zoology, lampreys are often not considered to be true fish because of their vastly different morphology and physiology

How do sea lamprey cause a problem?

the sea lamprey causes problems by sticking themselves to a fish. all in all a sea lamprey has endangerd more fish in our ecosystem

Is a lamprey a fish?

Yes, lampreys are cartilaginous fish.