

What makes a carrot abiotic?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: What makes a carrot abiotic?
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When a hurricane is biotic or abiotic?

Abiotic becuase everything that makes up a hurricane is abiotic.

What part a carrot makes it a carrot?

The entire carrot. The leafy bit, the main orange bit, everything... it wouldn't be a carrot else ;)

What makes abiotic things living?

Nothing does or can do.

Is a carrot a consumer?

No, a carrot is a producer. It makes its own food, but other organisms eat it.

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snow is abiotic because it is just ice which turns into water so that makes it abiotic which is non-living

How much does carrot top make?

Carrot top makes A LOT of money. Plenty actually.

What part of a carrot plant makes food?

The part of the carrot that makes the sugars for the carrot plant is the leaves.

What makes the sun abiotic?

Oh k im not sure if the sun is biotic or abiotic so lets just stick with your idea as the sun being abiotic. The sun is abiotic because its not living its doesnt breath/take in oxygen,it doesnt need water to survive.etc. Since the weather is abiotic and precipitation is too that makes the sun abiotic!"a" means not "bio" means life, therefore it means not alive

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Abiotic factor is any non-living thing that makes up an ecosystem. The 5 abiotic factors are soil, sunlight, temp, air and water.

Is a carrot a tuber?

yes. A carrot is an edible tuber with a feathery spray of leafy greens which makes it readily identifiable to gardeners.

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Me, the biotic element, kills your mom and makes her abiotic. Thus, interacting for human survival

What you can make carrot to?

well, you can make carrot into carrot cake, erm, magic carrotosityness (a spell that makes you taste carrot for 3 days) and food (for yourself and for animals) oh and if you eat too much it turns your pee orange!