

Best Answer
A developed country is made by there being:
  • wealthy
  • technologically advanced
  • strong buildings

Your country has too be too a high standerd,

In other word your country will be high on education, Adult literacy, food, healthcare, houseing, and charity;; this are a few points i would like too pick out seems they are very important!

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13y ago
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2mo ago

A country is considered developed based on factors such as high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, advanced infrastructure, high standard of living, and access to quality healthcare and education. Additionally, indicators like low poverty rates, high life expectancy, and low levels of inequality contribute to a country being classified as developed.

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11y ago

Developed countries have many industries and provide a comfortable way of life for most of their people.

Developed country: a wealthy country with an advanced economy.

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12y ago

a country is considered deveopong when it hasn't reached the stage of being deveopled meaning its hasn't yet found the means to sustain its population efficiently. When it is on its way to sustainable development.

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12y ago

Hello there, I am Mr chris peter.A legit loan lender.Are you into debts? Do you have a bad cdiret?Are you financialy down.I give out loans at low interest rate of 3%.I give out loan to Business,Auto and personal loan to Men and women who are into Business transaction, I give out long term loan for three to five years maximum with your interest in this you can as well tell me the amount you need so that I send to you the terms and condition that is if you are realing interested in getting a loan from me, Loan is given out in Pounds and $ US and SGD the maximum I give is 5,000,000 both in pounds and $ US and the minimum 1,000 pounds and US$ and SGD so if really you are interested mail for more info on how the loan can be transfered to you. There is one Question i have to ask are a serious individual that we take a loan and pay back after duration with the interest, if you are honest I will trust you because I like to do business with Honest people if you are one you will get the loan with out problem and for your information if you should more loan like $ 10,000,000m I can give only if you are one of these cartigories: Manager of a company A private Holder A broker in banks A director in any office or company A high investor of and compay If you are one of the following you can get $ 10,000,000US as loan or if personal loan you can request for 5,000-5,000,000 as loan. hope to here from you soon. NAME: . PHONE: COUNTRY: .LOAN AMOUNT NEEDED send these info it is important. Mind you loans is given to every part of the world only if i see you to be honest and will pay back after duration. If you are interested you have to send the amount you need as loan so that i can give you the terms and condition on the loan for your information loan are given to every part of the world on honest people so if you are honest apply for the loan now at

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11y ago

A country strongly develops through strong economic stance which is brought by a strong and fair government, powered by united citizens and community that is united.

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