

What makes a helium balloon?

Updated: 9/22/2022
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14y ago

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A rubber bladder with helium inside.

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Q: What makes a helium balloon?
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What makes a child's balloon rise?

Helium. The helium gas in the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon.

What makes a helium balloon fly?

A balloon filled with helium flies because helium weighs less than air.

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What do you think makes balloon stay up?

balloon stay up because of the air inside it. to make the balloon stay up the air should be light. inside the balloons you can find the air we called helium. helium is a light air that makes the balloon stay up. that's why if you blow the balloon it wont float because the air that comes from your mouth is not helium but carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is heavier compared to helium so it wont float.

What is hilium?

Helium is a gas that makes your voice squeaky if you suck it out of a hilium balloon!!!

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helium balloon left in sun will expand. sun makes balloon hotter and density will rise balloon

What makes a helium balloon float?

helium is a light mass of weight in which will float unlike a hevy object that will fall to the ground

Is a helium balloon a solid?

A helium "balloon" is composed of two parts: the SOLID rubber balloon skin, and the GASeous helium. So the balloon part itself is a solid.

What makes an helium balloon go up and what makes an helium balloon go down?

a helium balloon is forced upward by buoyancy. a object is forced upward by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. this also applies to gases. the gas helium is lighter than average atmospheric air, that is that equal volumes of atmospheric air and helium do not weigh the same. This means that the volume displaced by the balloon is heavier than the balloon itself. since the air weighs more it applies more force upwards on the balloon than the balloon applies downwards on the air, therefore it rises. However, a helium balloon will not go down unless a force such as large air resistance (heavy wind etc.) is applied to it. hope this helps.

What was the helium balloon balloon made of?

It was made out of the light gas gas Helium.

How much can a helium balloon lift?

depends how big the helium balloon is and how many

Which balloon would fly higher the one with helium or the one with air?

The balloon with helium.