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Hot molecules moving makes a good heat insulator

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1mo ago

Materials that are good insulators of heat typically have low thermal conductivity, meaning they do not easily transfer heat. They also tend to have high thermal resistance, which slows down the flow of heat through the material. Additionally, insulating materials may have air pockets or trapped gases within their structure that further reduce heat transfer.

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Q: What makes a material a good insulators of heat?
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insulator. Insulators are materials that do not allow the easy passage of heat, making them useful for preventing heat transfer in many applications.

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Trapped air makes a good insulator.

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insulator. Insulators have low thermal conductivity, which means they are not good conductors of heat and help to slow down the transfer of heat. This property makes them useful for insulating buildings, electrical wires, and various other applications where heat needs to be retained or kept out.

What is in an example of a good insulator?

A material or an object that does not easily allow heat, electricity, light, or sound to pass through it. Air, cloth and rubber are good electrical insulators; feathers and wool make good thermal insulators.

Why do certain materials make good heat insulators?

Cuz of insufficient presense of electrons in the external shell of such material's atom

Does good insulators prevent heat from getting through it or does it simply slow its passage?

Good insulators prevent heat from getting through them by limiting the transfer of heat energy from one side of the material to the other. This is achieved by slowing down the movement of heat through the material via methods such as trapping air pockets or reducing thermal conductivity.

Good insulators of heat?


What property makes a material a good insulator?

No shared electrons between neighboring atoms/molecules in the material makes for a good electric insulator.A good thermal insulator has lots of air or gas (which insulates) trapped in the material.

Are socks good heat insulators?

Yes, socks are good heat insulators because they trap heat close to the skin and prevent it from escaping. The insulation provided by socks helps to keep your feet warm by reducing heat loss to the surrounding environment. Wool socks are particularly effective at retaining heat due to the natural properties of the material.