

What makes a metemorphic rock?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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A metamorphic rock is made when an igneous or sedimentary rock undergoes heat and pressure for many years, changing it into another type of rock.

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Q: What makes a metemorphic rock?
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No. Marble is a Metamorphic rock.

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What are 2 conditions that cause sedimentary rock to change to metamorphic rock?

Heat and pressure changes sedimantary rock (limestone) into metemorphic rock(gnesis).

How does a metemorphic rock change into a sedimentary rock?

By being first weathered into loose material (clast), then transported, then deposited, and then consolidated.

What is the name of a black metemorphic rock with a pink stripe going through it?

Gneiss is a likely prospect.

What is the structure of a quartzite rock?

Quartizite is a metemorphic rock that is either regional or contact. It is made when lava rises to the earths crust, and heats the sedimentatry rock around it.

What does metemorphic mean?

im not really sure

How do metemorphic rocks form?

they form by heat and presssure

What are some examples of metemorphic rock?

Metamorphic rocks are igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been transformed by great heat or pressure caused by movement in the Earth's crust.Examples include schist, gneiss, and slate