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A short barreled shotgun is not necessarily "more lethal" than a long barreled shotgun. However, it is more readily concealable, and has lost most of its usefulness as a sporting (hunting) weapon.

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Q: What makes a short shot gun lethal?
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Why was the machine gun so lethal?

it shoots a lot of bullets in a short time

What is a good pest load for a .22 Mag handgun. Shot shell pellets Non lethal?

First, there IS no non-lethal cartridge fired from a handgun. Some are LESS lethal than others. Shot cartridges can be lethal at very close range (the term rat shot was coined as these .22 shells were used to kill rats inside of a chicken coop). They may produce a wound that is not immediately lethal, but results in death from infection. If you are simply trying to drive off a nuisance species, would suggest something other than a firearm. Try an airsoft gun, paintball gun, noisemaker or slingshot. Remember that a rule of gun safety is never point a gun at anything you do not want to destroy.

Who makes a 24 gauge shot gun?

No one.

What is the sound a gun shot makes?

Bang or Boom NO it makes alot of bangs if automatic

What happens if you get shot with a cap gun?

Nothing. A cap gun has no bullets, it just makes noise.

Is the ray gun lethal?

Yes the ray gun is lethal, the ray gun is one of the most powerful guns in nazi zombies

Who makes the High standard flight king shot gun?

High Standard

What Gun manufacturer makes a 5 shot 410 pistol?

Try Taurus

What is that sound that John Lennon makes in Come Together?

"Shot-gun", with lots of reverb.

What is shot girl?

I think you mean "shot gun" This is what is meant by shot gun: Firearm that is a double-barreled smoothbore shoulder weapon for firing shot at short ranges no dumb@ss, not shotgun (and it's shotgun not shot gun). a shot girl is a young female who works at a bar or club. she buys shots and other drinks with her own money and walks around trying to get people to buy those drinks, and she keeps whatever profit she makes as a tip (although most people include a tip when buying from her). shot girls rely on using sex appeal to make sales.

What pellet goes the farthest?

I would say a lead pellet with pointing little tip should be blue . A head shot to. A turkey at 40 yards is lethal. Ps a oiled gun will help to. Check local gun laws and conservation laws before u use a rifle that u know is lethal. Be safe and have fun