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snails leave there shell when they grow so like if there babies they have a small shell and when they grow they leave there shell and then try to find a bigger shell well bye ill be answering more questions soon peace

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9y ago

It dies because without a shell the snali will dry up.

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Q: What happens if a snail looses its shell?
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What happens to a snail when it loses it's shell?

It dies. Be careful with your snail. Feed it egg shells to keep the shell strong.

What happens when your snail goes in its shell?

It is frightened. They do that to protect themselves from danger.

What happens when you put pepper on a snail?

It will most likely recoil into its shell.

Will a baby snail die if its snail shell is chipped?

yes a baby snail will die if it's shell is chipped because a snail shell is very delicate and so is the snail.

When a snail is born does it have a shell?

when a snail is born it has a shell, and its actual body is still growing in the shell.

What will happen if a snail loses its shell?

The snail's shell will get writing on it. What do you think.

What is a snail shell secreted by?

It is secreted by a portion of the snail body called the mantle.

What is the oldest part of the snail shell?

The oldest part of a snail's shell is the center of the coil. When the snail grows, it grows outward

What happens when it gets white inside a snail's shell?

the snail has gone into semi hibernation because it is to hot or to cold or lack of food

What is the body covering of a snail?

if you mean the shell.... it is made of calcium, it grows with the snail and gains whorls (the spirals) ..............similar to a tree, the more spirals the older the snail.

What do you do when a hermit crab looses its shell?

If your crab looses it's shell, isolate it from the other crabs. Then, provide it with other shells and hopefully it will move in.

How do you take a snail out of its shell without damaging it?

A snail's organs are attached to the shell through the mantle. If you attempt to pull the snail out, it will harm it.