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What I think is all you need is good looks and a really cool looking weapon


Also gameplay. If the character can only walk around its not as much fun.

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Q: What makes a video game character popular?
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a popular video game is all about the title,characters and contents. also if you are a game lover try gutiar hero on tour for the Nintendo d.s for some reall skill

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Akuma is a character best known from the popular Street Fighter video game franchise. There are many video games available from the well known Street Fighter franchise and if a person is looking to purchase a game there are a wide variety of online and video game retailers offering this product.

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no there is not a video game with a character creator. Will may have it, but what i now f no.

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A Video Game Developer, Video Game Designer, Game Producer.

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How math is used in video games?

I use maths basically to just hack a video game, but in a video game, it is for calculating the time taken for the character to move, and the character stat. But basically, it is for the character's movements.