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Alcohol is not digested by the body. It travels around intact in the bloodstream and is released in various ways, including on the breath. The device called a "breathalyzer" measures how much alcohol is contained in 2,100 ml of expelled breath, which is the same as the alcohol contained in one ml of blood. With that information, it is possible to do the math to determine if the individual is intoxicated according to legal standards.

The primary method of determining how much alcohol a person has had to drink is to use an alcohol breath analyzer. The most popular alcohol breath analyzer is the Breathalyzer. The ratio of alcohol content in the blood to alcohol content in the breath is called the partition ratio. A partion ratio of 2100:1 is based on a normal body temperature (37°C/98.6°F). Higher body temperatures will give higher blood alcohol content measurements. This can be significant if (for some reason) one drinks when they have a flu or other sickness - an body temperature increase of 1°C/1.8°F

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Q: What makes an alcohol analyzer able to read the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream?
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What are the functions of a breathalyzer?

A breathalyzer detects the amount of liquor in the test taker's system. It is used by police to see if a suspect had more than the legal amount in their system while operating a motor vehicle. It's used in conjunction with other field sobriety tests. The body does not digest alcohol; it absorbs it into the bloodstream. The alcohol does not mix into the blood, but rather says intact. As the blood passes through the lungs, the alcohol is released through breathing. A breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol. The alcohol present in 2,100 ml of expelled breath is exactly equivalent to the amount of alcohol in 1 ml of blood. This measurement makes it possible measure the driver's level of intoxication, based on the figures set for legal limits.

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-OH group present in alcohol makes it a polar covalent compound.

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The alcohol causes dehydration in your body and makes you twice as thirsty. In most cases, when you are at the bar and drink too much beer, you get thirsty and drink more beer. Then you pass out.

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Drinking any liquor with a carbonated beverage will get you drunk faster because the bloodstream absorbs the alcohol quicker with carbonation. I don't know about the "diet" part.

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Getting Alcohol in your blood makes you drunk. This is achieved by drinking alcohol or an alcoholic beverage.

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Alcohol makes you dehydrated.

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I am not sure IF it is less harmful, but usually, what makes alcoholic beverages harmful is their alcohol contents, so a beverage that has less alcohol will be less harmful - unless you compensate and drink a larger amount of it.

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The alcohol.

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The concentration of alcohol

If a man and a woman who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol what is their Blood Alcohol Concentration level?

Not enough information. How much alcohol did they drink?. The question just says the same amount but what the amount. However, mostly likely the woman's alcohol level would be higher. Women metabolize differently.