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the moving of the tectonic plates which makes the earths surface unstable which then causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

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Q: What makes an earthquake to create a volcano that make it erupt?
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Does Percy create an earthquake in The Battle of the Labyrinth?

He makes a volcano erupt

How can earthquakes be a warning sign that an eruption is about to happen?

The earthquake moves the ground and the movement makes a volcano erupt!

What makes a volcano to erupt?

the hot lava

What makes a volcana erupt?

the bamabam face buttox sexy dede of the earths crust makes a volcano erupt.

Can an earthquake happen under a volcano?

yes because the earth plate is straight when the earth quake comes the volcano moves but nothing will happen but if its a really big earth quake And the volcano will erupt because of the pressure and the plates can hold the pressure so the volcano will erupt so can a tsunami occur.

What is a constructive feature of a volcano?

A volcano had plate tectonics that makes a volcano erupt. The tectonic has certain segments, and they are plates.

What makes volcanos erupt?

the volcano erupts from the earth. when it hits 200 degrees celsius, it will erupt..and volcanoes can erupt ice at -300 degrees celsius

When did the last volcano erupt and what damage did it do?

mayon volcano errupted in January 2010 and makes suffer all bicolanos

What makes a model volcano erupt higher baking soda or alka seltzer?

alka seltzer it has this bubbly stuff that makes it erupt higher than baking soda.

Can a volcano make an earthquake?

yes because when it erupts it makes the ground shake

What makes a paper mache volcano erupt besides vinegar and baking soda?

mentoes candy and coke or diet coke

What did it do to make the volcano erupt?

Techtonic plates near the earths core are pushing together and it makes volcanos erupt. But when they pull apart, it causes things like trenches in the ocean. I think.