

What makes an object speed up?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What makes an object speed up?
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What causes an object to slowdown or speed- up?

An object can only slow down, speed up, or change direction, if there is a net force acting on the object.

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Does the inertia of an object of an object change as its velocity changes?

No. Intertia is a measure of how easily an object's speed can be changed. So if it takes a certain amount of force or energy to speed an object up to a given speed, it'll take the same force/energy to slow it down to zero again, or it'll take the same energy to double its speed from that given level. Hope that makes sense.

Friction will never speed up an object?

Yes, Friction will never speed up an object because friction slows objects down.

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that the object moves faster than the speed of the waves

When a falling object stops speeding up and falls at a constant rate of speed that object has reached its?

terminal speed

What will never speed up an object?


What The build up of speed in a moving object?

Potential energy, which can be released as kinetic energy. Kinetic energy not the build up of speed in a moving object.

How does the affect the speed of an object?

More intertia makes it so more energy is needed in order to change the speed.

What to componets make up the velocity of an object?

The speed of the object and its direction of motion.

Does friction speed up an object?

Friction does not speed up an object; it creates drag and slows it down.