

What makes an objects stay in place?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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11y ago

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Resistance keeps an object in place. This resistance can come from friction, which works against motion, or from an obstacle of some kind that is prohibiting movement. In terms of vertical motion, gravity holds all objects to the earth and keeps them firmly planted on the ground.

An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by a force
An object in place will stay in place unless acted upon by a force. So if you kick a box in place on the floor it will move. There is always a force of gravity pulling it down, bu the force of gravity is resisted by the floor which keeps it in place (equilibrium - no net force). If you cut around it and make a hole in the floor it will move straight down.

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Vincent Hilpert

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1y ago
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Usually objects stay in place due to friction forces.

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What makes objects stay in place?

Resistance keeps an object in place. This resistance can come from friction, which works against motion, or from an obstacle of some kind that is prohibiting movement. In terms of vertical motion, gravity holds all objects to the earth and keeps them firmly planted on the ground.An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by a forceAn object in place will stay in place unless acted upon by a force. So if you kick a box in place on the floor it will move. There is always a force of gravity pulling it down, bu the force of gravity is resisted by the floor which keeps it in place (equilibrium - no net force). If you cut around it and make a hole in the floor it will move straight down.

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putang ina nio kayo mga gago sa gogle fack you all men awawe

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