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Q: What makes art worth a lot of money?
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What does media mean in art terms?

it means like a big gallery of art on a wall.. or a wall of art or hall of famers art work... just like a big place where a lot of art is put..

Where can trippy art be viewed in general?

Trippy art can be viewed at on "Tumblr" and various places on the street. Trippy art is most likely found in subway train tunnels. The train tunnels have a lot of trippy art.

From which retailers could someone purchase a Picassso art calendar?

There are a lot of retailers that offer Picasso art calendars. Hobby Lobby is a popular store that has them in stock at certain locations but there is a good chance to find them at any retailer that sells art calendars.

What is the concept of art value?

Art value has a lot of dimensions. 1.Historical: The significance and contribution to a specific genre by an artist. 2. Masterpiece: If the work is by a well known artist, such as Picasso, or Warhol the price will be greater more so it it is the last painting of its kind than that of an unknown/ new upcoming artist. 3. Antiquity:It also depends on the antiquity. Some older paintings, although done by lesser known artists, still hold art value because of how old they are. Particular works that played an essential role in certain art movements also have a lot of art value. For example, Braque represents cubism. 4:Popularity: Added concepts include what art is popular to the masses and critics, and what sells. 5. Quality,uniqueness and medium used in the art work.

Is depth and color contained and all artwork?

Art work covers a LOT of territory. If you mean painting, depth of some sort should be in the work. Color is optional, such as in charcoal drawings or some monochrome pieces.

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Depends on your taste for art

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Because there worth a lot of money.

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Sometimes if one country prints more money and there is a lot of money the value goes down. If money was rare it would be worth a lot.

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its worth a lot of money,

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Is it money's worth?

It just depends on your tastes and how much you value a particular piece or kind of art. Some people place a lot of value on art and having it in their homes - other people do not value it as highly.

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A 1943 copper penny is known to be worth a lot of money,

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yes it is

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justin timberlake makes about 1 milion a year.

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Hockey, Soccer, Badminton, and other famous sports are worth a lot of money.