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the shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

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3d ago

Atoms spread out around a central atom due to the repulsion between electron pairs in the central atom's valence shell. This repulsion causes the atoms to arrange themselves in a way that minimizes repulsion and achieves the most stable molecular structure, leading to a specific geometric shape. This is known as VSEPR theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory).

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Q: What makes atoms spread out around a central atom?
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What makes atoms spread out around a central a?

the shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

What Makes atoms spread around a central atom?

The shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

What makes atoms spread out around central atom?

the shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

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the shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

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the shared valence electron pairs repel each other.

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