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Land Cress seeds grow well as an edge crop which requires regular water supply. It is best grown in a partially shaded area and the most appropriate soil for its cultivation is a well-draining soil, though it tolerates almost all other types of soil. A pH. of 6. 0- 6. 8 is best for the Cress seeds. Special care must be taken to keep a good gap between subsequent seeds while sowing. Cress leaves are ready for harvest at 7 weeks after sowing.

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Q: What makes cress seeds grow well?
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How can seeds grow if cut in half?

yes. they can. they just don't grow very well. :)-

How long does cress take to grow?

Well it all depends on what species of Cress you are growing, normally it is 3-4 days to start sprouting, but after a week you should have cress that's at least 2-3cm's tall. So yes 3-4 to sprout then give it a week or two before eating.

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well, i dont understand the question, u can grow food from seeds as in a plle or watermelon you can also eat seeds like sunflower seed

What else do seeds need?

well they mainly MUST have water,nuterients and sunshine to help it grow.

How do you grow cress?

Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) is an edible herb related to watercress and mustard. It is easily adapted to hydroponic cultivation and thrives in slightly alkaline water. Edible shoots are harvested in one to two weeks after planting. Outdoor planting does well in Hardiness zone 7 with a soil pH of 5.6 - 7.5.