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Echidnas are different as, like platypuses, they are egg-laying mammals. This group of vertebrates, known as the monotremes, is unique: their method of reproduction is laying eggs, yet they nurture their young on mothers' milk. Apart from producing milk to feed their young, there are other differences: they do not fit with egg-laying reptiles as echidnas are warm-blooded; nor do they fit with egg-laying birds because all birds have feathers, and echidnas, like other mammals, have hair/fur.

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Q: What makes echidnas different from other Vertebrates?
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Is it true that platypuses are different from other mammals babies because they share nothing?

Platypuses and echidnas are different from other mammals because they are monotremes, i.e. mammals which lay eggs.

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Do echidnas make noises?

they probably do but it might sound really soft that you can't even hear it to call other echidnas.