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Q: What makes halogens different than other nonmetals?
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What block of elements do the halogens belong to?

Halogens belong to the nonmetals. It is in the middle top block of the periodic table. The other nonmetals are the noble gasses.

What block of elements do halogens belong to?

Halogens belong to the nonmetals. It is in the middle top block of the Periodic Table. The other nonmetals are the noble gasses.

What types of elements make up the p block?

semiconductors, other nonmetals, halogens, other metals, noble gases

What are the 2 groups of non-metal?

There are 3 groups of non-metals in which they are : Halogens, Noble Gases and Other nonmetals

What do halogens iodine and chlorine have in common?

Halogens are very reactive nonmetals because their atoms need to gain only one electron to have a complete outer level. The atoms of halogens combine readily with other atoms, especially metals, to gain that missing electron. The reaction of a halogen with a metal makes a salt, such as sodium chloride. Both chlorine and iodine are used as disinfectants. Chlorine is used to treat water. Iodine mixed with alcohol is used in hospitals.Although the chemical properties of the halogens are similar, the physical properties are quite different,

What is the different when nonmetals react with other nonmetals?

The products of these reactions have covalent bonds.

Which two families of elements often combine to form ''salts''?

The family that combines with metals to form salts is the halogen family. There are other nonmetals that can be mixed with metals to form salts, but halogens are the most common.

What can chromium combine with?

For example halogens, carbon, oxygen, sulfur, other nonmetals.

What group of nonmetals are the most reactive and why are they the most reactive?

The halogens, periodic table column 17, are the most reactive nonmetals, because they have the highest electronegativities and therefore can strongly attract electrons from almost any other elements.

What makes halogens stand out from all of the other elements?

They are highly reactive

Would silicon combine with any other elements?

Yes it combines with many nonmetals such as halogens, oxygen, sulfur etc. Generally form covalent bonds with these elements.

What groups of elements does the p block contain?

The p-block contains halogens and noble gases.