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Q: What makes have bodies that are tall and thin?
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What kind of bodies that are tall and thin?


What makes you a supermodel?

Usually, supermodels are very tall, scary thin, pale, and pretty.

Why are africans tall and slender?

Because long, thin bodies, presenting a greater surface area relative to volume, are better able to dissipate body heat respect to rounder bodies that instead are better suited to preserve body heat. The round bodies of the Inuit of the Arctic and the tall, slim bodies of some African population are examples of natural selection at work.

Do snakes have long thin cylinder -shaped bodies?

Yes, all snakes have long, thin, cylinder - shaped bodies.

What body types is tall and thin?

Ectomorph is a tall and thin body type.

Do all snakes have long thin cylinder shaped bodies?

Yes, all snakes have long, thin, cylinder - shaped bodies.

I am tall and thin in French?

I am tall and thin is 'je suis grand et mince' in French.

The protein that makes up the thin myofilament?

protein that makes up thin myofilament

Does a spider have long thin body?

Some spiders do have long thin bodies while others may have short and thick bodies. There is many combinations of how a spider could look.

What structures anchor thin filaments?

I believe the Z-lines anchor the Thin filaments

What is the tall thin tower in Buddhism?

the moras are the tall thinys

Why are there more wide and short pots then tall thin ones?

tall and thin pots would topple over easily