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Q: What makes headaches go away?
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What can cortal cause?

Cortal is Aspirin so it makes fever and headaches go away.

If you have a bump in your back of head what does it mean and have headaches that go away in seconds?

I may mean you have a tumour, you should go to the doctor straight away.

If you are pregnant is it possible for you to have headaches that want go away?

Yes, and the headache won't go away for about 18 years. and they never really go away, they just become more infrequent.

When Taking Adderall XR 30mg a day is it common to have headaches and do the headaches stop?

Drink alot of water. It tends to make you dehydrate. And headaches are the first sign of dehydration. Drink alot of water and the headaches will go away.

How long will it take headaches to go away after you stop drinking alcohol?

6 weeks or more

Will headache go away when taking Zoloft?

In some people it does cause a reduction in sever headaches.

I have been having headaches for the past 2 weks and im also having problems focusing. any help here?

If you have had headaches that long of a period I suggest that you go to your doctor to see whats wrong. Because headaches usually go away after awhile and having headaches that long could mean that there might be some serious problems. Or something. So I really suggest you go to your doctor.

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Is there a spell that makes spellcastors go away?

Yes, the Ashra spell can make the spellcastors go away.

What in vinegar makes the eggshell go away?

It explodes

Can moving to California make headaches go away?

Sometimes a change in climate and elevation can cause positive change in health conditions. Maybe you should take a visit to California to see how you feel and the decide f moving to California may help to make your headaches go away. What works for one person may not work for another.