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positive ions

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Q: What makes ions attracted to the negative electrode?
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Which ion is attracted to which electrode?

because chloride ions being negatively charged have got a tendency to get attracted to positive ions( follows from coloumbs law) and since positive electrode contains positive ions so chloride free ions in solution gets attracted to the positive electrode....

Where do the negative ions go?

Negative ions go to a positive electrode.

When electric current is passed through molten sodium chloride sodium is deposited on positive or negative electrode?

The metal plates out on the negative electrode, which provides the electrons needed to neutralize its positive ions.

If zinc electrode is dipped in zinc sulphate the electrode will become positive or negative?

if it is dipped the zinc electrode looses the electron in to the solution as zinc ions and it attains negative charge on th electrode and it absorb the positive ions in the w can see a bundle of positive ions just around the zinc electrode

Reduction occurs at which electrode?

The electrode that removes ions from solution

Where does the positive ion go?

Positive ions go to the negative electrode.

Why do magnesium ions move to the negative electrode?


What is a positive ion called?

A positive ion is called a cation. It forms when an atom loses one or more electrons, resulting in a net positive charge. Cations are attracted to anions, which are negative ions, due to their opposite charges.

Why do positively charged ions move to the negative electrode?

The cause is the electrostatic attraction.

What kind of ions are attracted to each other?

These are positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions).

What is cation and anaon in science?

In case of passing electric current through a liquid or gas we need ions as the carriers of electric charges. Say for example in case of copper sulphate solution, we have Cu++ ions and SO4-- ions. As we connect a battery to the plates or electrodes immersed in the solution, the electrode connected to the positive polarity of battery is known as Anode. Now SO4-- ions by negative in nature would be moving towards the Anode. Hence negative ions are named as ANIONS. Where as the electrode connected to the negative polarity of the battery will be named as Cathode. Hence the Cu++ ions would be attracted towards Cathode and so Cu++ ions are named as CATIONS. So in a nut shell, ANIONS are negative ions and CATIONS are positive ions.

What does electrolysis use to separate molecules in a chemical change?

The electrolysis ionize the particles/ molecules present in the particles and charged the positive and negative ions. Positive ions collected on negative electrode and Negative ions collected on positive electrodes.