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Hydrophilic end

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6mo ago

The plasma membrane is able to self-assemble due to the properties of its constituent molecules, such as phospholipids. Phospholipids have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, which drives them to form a bilayer structure when exposed to water. This spontaneous assembly is driven by the hydrophobic effect and results in the formation of a stable and selectively permeable membrane.

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Q: What makes it possible for the plasma membrane to self assemble?
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A double layer of these molecules makes up the plasma membrane?

A double layer of phospholipids makes up the plasma membrane.

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What makes up a plasma membrane?

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Both the ER and the Golgi App make the membrane bound transport vescivles.

Are glycolipids a constituent of plasma membrane?

Yes Glycoproteins are suited in the phospholipid bilayer which makes up the cell membrane. They also help stabilize the cell membrane as well as assist in cellular recognition.

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