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the bow echo effect.

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Q: What makes leaves turn over before a summer thunderstorm?
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What makes apple tree leaves go brown in summer?

the sun burns it and turns brown

What causes a thunderstorm and what makes it finally stop?

god knowes

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Karana makes a skirt for Tukto in exchange for the necklace with black stones before she leaves the island.

What time santa leaves?

Milliseconds before everyone wakes up. This is the only answer that makes sense.

WhAT TYPE of storm makes tornadoes?

A Supercell, which is a type of strong rotating thunderstorm.

What pigment makes green leaves?

Chlorophyll makes leaves appear green.

What type of weather makes tornadoes?

Tornadoes are produce by thunderstorms. Most tornadoes form in a special kind of thunderstorm called a supercell, the most powerful type of thunderstorm on earth.

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what makes the leaves of a canopy tree change

What is the function of chlorophyll in leaves?

why is the function of chlorophyll in leaves?

Why do deciduos trees lose there leaves?

the pollen and air from the oxygen at this time of year makes the leaves dry up. this makes the roots loose their "hold" of the leaves and the leaves fall

Which force makes the leaves of plants move?

The natural force wind makes the leaves plants move.

What makes leaves green?

Chlorophyll makes leaves green and is located in the cellof the leaf.As light bounces off it it projects the green shades into our eyes and that is what we see