

What makes liquid water turn to a soild?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Decrease the temperature and make it turn into ice.

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Q: What makes liquid water turn to a soild?
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How does a soild turn into a liquid?


How does a soild turn to a liquid?

you pee on it

What is the name of the process when liquid turn into soild?


What do you call a soild that turns into a liquid and then into a soild again?

WATER! If you put water in a cup and leave it in the freezer it will turn to an ice cube then if you leave it somewhere warm and cosy it will turn back to a liquid again. Try it for yourself even.

How would you turn a pot of boiling water into a soild?

Place it in a freezer and allow it to freeze. Use of liquid nitrogen is a very quick method of doing so.

What temperature does water turn into a soild?

0o Celsius or 32o Fahrenheit.

When you boil waterwhat makes the liquid water turn into a gas?

When you put in the freezer

When does water turn into a soild?

The cold allows it to bond in a way that is solid, because the molecules don't have enough energy to flow freely.

What gas can turn into a liquid?

water vapor (gas state) can turn into water (liquid state) when cooled.

What is the difference between chilling and freezing?

Chilling involves bringing something to a temperature that makes it colder, but does not turn it into a solid. Freezing, however, does turn the liquid into a solid. When a liquid is chilled, it is on its way to becoming frozen. For example, liquid water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit example: freeze water (ice) floats above chilled water

What is different between chilling and freezing?

Chilling involves bringing something to a temperature that makes it colder, but does not turn it into a solid. Freezing, however, does turn the liquid into a solid. When a liquid is chilled, it is on its way to becoming frozen. For example, liquid water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit example: freeze water (ice) floats above chilled water

Can concrete turn into a liquid?

no once the concrete gets hard it cannot turn into liquid state again but you can turn concrete powder into liquid by adding water :)