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Q: What makes listeria unique from other bacteria?
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How is listeria monocytogenes unlike most other bacteria?

Unlike most other bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes does not stop growing when food is in the refrigerator - its growth is merely slowed.

How does Listeria monocytogenes reproduction?

Listeria is a bacteria so it reproduces like other bacterias (e.g: salmonella) Basiclly Listeria reproduces in time which means it goes through phases called Binary fission. This means that one bacteria splits into two, two into four, four into eight and so on.. however, bacteria's may only be able to reproduce like this depending on the conditions (warmth, moisture, nutrients etc.) If bacterias like Listeria do find the right conditions needed then biary fission can occur every 20minutes.

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Why are pregnant vulnerable to infection from the Listeria bacteria?

Hormonal changes make pregnant women about 20 times more likely than other healthy adults to contract listeriosis and about one-third of all cases occur in pregnant women.

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