

What makes penguins so warm in the cold?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Their down keeps them warm.

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Q: What makes penguins so warm in the cold?
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Is a penguin warm or cold blooded?

Penguins are birds.. So I think their warm blooded.

Why are penguins so fat?

Penguins live in a very cold climate, and therefore they need an extra layer of fat to keep them warm.

Suggest how huddling helps the penguins to keep warm in extreme cold?

The penguins each take turns to go in the middle of the 'waddling circle' so that the circle of penguins around them warm the middle one with their body heat.

How do penguins keep their feet warm?

my guess is that they dont have any temperature sensors on their feet so they dont feel cold on their feet.

How do peguins stay warm?

penguins are warm blooded and have padded feet so they can live extremely cold weathers. Also they are birds so have feathers to keep warm. Baby penguins stay in between their mother's legs and they have feathers and padded feet so they keep very warm!

Do anteater and penguins are warm-blooded?

Yes. Penguins and anteaters are warm-blooded. Firstly, penguins live in the poles, where there are extreme cold temperatures- if they were unable to generate their own body heat, they would likely die, and it would not be the type of evolutionary trait that animals on the poles possess- as for anteaters, it isn't a reptile, which pretty much all cold blooded animals are( correct me if I'm wrong) so yeah- it's warm blooded

What are some negative things about Antarctica?

you get cold and freeze to death but there are penguins... so that pretty much makes up for death

How are penguins adapted to life in the sea?

penguins have strong wings so they can swim 'fluffy fur so they keep warm and to keep there eggs and children warm

Why do penguins live in a group?

They mostly live in groups for warmth and comfort. It is very cold where they live, so they cuddle together to keep each other warm. Penguins don't want to live alone. They have family and friends always with them.

Why do penguins huddle together to keep warm?

Basically they huddle together so they stay warm

Why are penguins fluffy?

penguins are born with fluff to keep them warm until their blubber thickens so they can lose their fluff

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They are mammals so they are warm-blooded.