

Best Answer

You can build your own solar panels from home and most of the parts can be found from your local hardware store. If you're interested take a look at these website : i n p l i x . c o m

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Q: What makes photovoltaic systems especially useful?
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Which makes photovoltaic systems especially useful?

They generate electricity......

Is Photovoltaic a fossil fuel?

I think you got your concepts wrong there... Fossil fuels include coal, oil and natural gas ONLY. Renewable energy resources include SOLAR POWER, which makes use of PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS to convert light energy into electrical energy using certain metallic compounds which include cadmium telluride. Therefore, photovoltaic cells are a part of solar-powered systems which provide a renewable energy source for electricity. :)

How are photovoltaic solar cells environmentally friendly products?

Photovoltaic solar cells produce electricity using solar power. Since their energy comes from the sun, they do not produce any pollution. This makes them environmentally friendly.

What is the difference between photovoltaic cells and solar heating panels?

One makes electricity while the other just heats

What makes sedimentary rocks especially useful to scientists and historians?

Sedimentary rock are made of materials that could show what lived where. Also they are the only rock to hold fossils.

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Why is any car useful? Your question makes no sense.

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It makes you clean and it makes you smell good.

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it makes a useful tool because it canhelp u find al diferent kind of species

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Their properties

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Most diamonds are used in industry and not in jewelry. Their hardness makes diamond useful as a cutting tool.

What makes a climate graph useful?

There are a few different things that will make a climate graph more useful. Having data for a long period of time makes this graph very useful.