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Q: What makes prairie dogs so invasive?
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Related questions

How are rats related to prairie dogs?

Rats aren't even related to prairie dogs. Prairie dogs are related to squirels, chipmunks, flying squirels, and so on.

Are prairie dogs cute?

Yes they are so cute!!

What kind of vegatation do prairie dogs live in?

Prairie dogs usually live in dry places.They usually live in dry places that they can get food and water.Did you know that many prairie dogs die a year because of wild fires so there is alot of wild fires so that is alot of prairie die in just one 1 year.

What animal eats prairie dogs?

Coyotes, Cougars, Black Footed Ferrets, Long Tailed Weasels, Badgers, Foxes, Bears, Hawks, Prairie Falcons And Eagles Are The Main Predators Of Prairie Dogs. Wolverines Can Be Big Predators Of Prairie Dogs And So Can Mink, Wolves And Monitor Lizards. Grasshopper Mice Might Eat Babies And So Do Least Weasels.

Can prairie dog have dog food for treat?

Prairie dogs are not actual "dogs" so they cannot eat any kind of dog food. The prairie dog is not at all a canine, but a rodent that lives in dry, sandy places.

Do prairie dogs migrate?

They can adapt to the grassland because they are fast to catch food

Are prairie dogs close members to the beaver family?

Both prairie dogs and beavers are considered rodents so the answer to your question is yes, they are related. They belong to the same order but different families. They belong to the order rodentia. The beaver belongs to the family castoridaewhile the prairie dog belongs to Sciuridae.

Are prairie dogs illegal in California?

It's not too descriptive. As a pet, I wouldn't think so.

How prairie dogs are endangered?

Prairie dogs are rodents and live in aggregations called towns or colonies in burrows which can be as much as 15 feet deep and 60 feet long and sometimes connect with other burrows. Prairie dogs use prairie and grassland habitat ranging from the mid-west to the western United States. They are considered a key indicator species for the health of prairie and grassland habitat. In the early 1900's humans eradicated prairie dogs and destroyed prairie dog habitat. Some people view prairie dogs as a pest and continue to poison and eradicate them. Ranchers see the prairie dog as a competitor for the grass that cattle eat, so they have poisoned prairie dogs with harmful chemicals that sometimes killed other animals. Also, many prairie dog towns have been plowed over for crop fields or destroyed for human development. Diseases, like, have also reduced prairie dog populations. Scientists estimated we have lost as much as 98% of the prairie dog habitat that once existed.Other contributors:The prairie dogs are endangered due to the plowing of their homes, totally covering them. Due to this the prairie dogs cannot get food and water. They are not endangered at a high level yet their population is dwindling. Some pet stores also sell them as pets.

Do moles live in grasslands?

Yes, they thrive in the Grasslands, so do Prairie Dogs. a Prarie DogA mole

What climate does prairie dog live in?

Prairie dogs only live in one biome, and that is the Grassland. Prairie is Grassland, so the common/slang name of these gophers should be a dead give-away.

Is a prairie dog warm or cold blooded?

Prairie dogs are warmblooded becuse they live in cold places so their bodys hae to work extra hard to keep them warm.