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I think that it's all based on clothing, appearance, the way the person walks, and talk's. Most guy's are attracted to leadership... and if your good with the guys your automatically considered cool. (or that's how it is for me anyway) Their might be other people like this who are not considered popular, but most of the time they are sleeping around. That's not called popular though, its called being a whore. (: Grades can be a factor too.

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There are various factors that can make someone more popular than you, such as their social skills, likability, confidence, influence, and ability to connect with others. Additionally, factors like their interests, talents, appearance, and charisma can also contribute to their popularity.

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How do you get a girl in 4th grade to like you more than another boy?

Instead of trying to make someone like you more than someone else, focus on being kind, respectful, and showing genuine interest in the girl as a person. Be yourself and let your personality shine, as forming a connection based on mutual understanding and friendship is more important than trying to compete with someone else. It's essential to treat both the girl and the other boy with respect and not create any tension or negative feelings.

Can extreme makeovers actually hurt your self esteem?

yes because it can make you feel like you arent good enough so you need to be more like someone else

Give a few examples of someone with high self-esteem?

Someone with a high self esteem might feel capable of doing anything. That makes the individual more confident (self esteem is often linked to self confidence) 1- When your teacher tells you that you are ahead of everyone else in your class, this makes you feel good about yourself and your self-esteem makes you want to continue to receive praise. 2- Someone who has just passed their driving test with ease may feel like they can drive a car straight after the result, this simply because their confidence has been promoted with the feedback from the instuctor, which means their self esteem has been promoted too.

What does to cause to suffer or to inflict hardship on mean?

"To cause to suffer or to inflict hardship on" means to intentionally bring about pain, distress, or difficulty on someone or something. It involves causing harm or making life more challenging for the individual or group involved.

What is the difference between discussed to and discussed with?

"Discussed to" implies that information or ideas were shared for someone else to receive, whereas "discussed with" implies a mutual exchange of information or ideas between two or more people.

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